Friday 24 February 2012

An Interview with Delectable Dar

 Before &After 

What do you do? 
I'm a student and small business owner.

How long have you been natural? 
I have been natural for 2 years now (my last relaxer was sometime in early 2010). Since my last relaxer I was wearing weaves back to back. 

Why did you decide to go natural?
I didn't realize being natural was a "thing." It wasn't a conscious decision. I just kept putting weaves one right after another, so I didn't have the time to put in relaxer. But a friend of mine noticed that my hair was really dry after I took out a weave and said "hey olive oil is a great moisturizing tool for dry hair" The olive oil did wonders for my hair!! My last weave was in August 2011.

What was the initial feedback/ attitudes towards your hair change? 
People that embraced my natural hair were very supportive and encouraging, giving me tips and compliments. My immediate family (who still relax their hair religiously) were not as supportive. They made a lot of underhanded comments that probably didn't seem offensive to them but did hurt my feelings. 

Have these opinions changed over time? What are current opinions? 
They have become accustomed to my natural hair. Emphasis on accustomed. Along with my natural hair, I have adopted a more holistic approach to my every day life so I guess it's a lot to throw at your family. They're not as supportive as they could be. 

Would you perm your hair again? (if it was ever permed)  
No. Never. Non. Nix. No way jose... I'm sure you get the point.

Do you feel less attractive? 
I am more confident. I don't have to hide behind a weave anymore. I'm not worried about my new growth showing or tracks falling out on a date. That being said, I do not know if the opposite sex is attracted to my natural state. I think that the black community got caught up in an ideal that is incredibly unhealthy. Long hair, big butt, petite... So men equate that media enforced image as the ideal mate. My natural hair is not that. 

Has your hair change caused any professional Barriers or issues? 
I haven't been in the workplace since I've been natural. I do hope, however, that I won't be discriminated against because I choose to wear my hair in its natural state. That would be like saying that my skin color or the shape of my nose isn't professional. I'm going to be aware of what my hair looks like and make sure its appearance is well groomed. Youtube has a number of videos that assist in figuring out what a good style for the office would be. (I've attached links).

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