Wednesday 29 February 2012

Naomi's Answers

What do you do? 
Enrollment Coordinator for a University- Speacializing in Public High Schools and Ministry Specialist 

How long have you been natural?
7 years 

Why did you decide to go natural?
Because my hair needed a break and the up keep of perming was very expensive. 

What was the initial feedback/ attitudes towards your hair change?
Some were negative because people were used to a certain type of hairstyle or did not like natural hair. 
Positive when done uniquely or interested in just how my hair "does that" (curls lol) 

Have these opinions changed over time? What are current opinions?
Due to my professional arena I do not keep my natural hair out to much because it isn’t accepted cross culturally. So I weave my hair which seems to be acceptable to most. 

Would you perm your hair again?
No, probably not 

Do you feel less attractive?
Sometimes I don't when my hair isn’t at its best ... 

Has your hair change caused any professional Barriers or issues?
Yes, especially when I have it in its natural state ... nothing said out loud but in the way it’s looked at, addressed, or even questions when are you getting your hair done. Close co-workers who have dealt with the same thing have told me it may be best to weave or perm my hair. Some in the work place view it as being too ethnic. 

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