Wednesday 29 February 2012

An Interview with Ranelle


What do you do?
I'm a Junior Benefit Coordinator. 

How long have you been natural?
I've been transitioning for a little over a year and did my big chop, so been fully natural for about a month and change.

Why did you decide to go natural?
It started out as a little challenge to myself to see how long I can go without a perm, then a friend of mine referred me to a natural hair website in conversation, and after doing research I decided that I wanted to grow out my hair mainly out of curiosity at first.

What was the initial feedback/ attitudes towards your
hair change?
The feedback was mostly negative most people didn’t really understand what I was trying to do and why I wanted to change the hair that looked just fine already

Have these opinions changed over time? What are current opinions? 

For my friends the opinions have definitely changed they’re so supportive and actually prefer me with my natural hair. On the side of my family the reception is still and probably always will be negative especially within the past month when I did my big chop the reception to my natural hair choice has become worse. Also comments have been made by other black women about their disapproval of my hair. In general majority of the support has come from people outside my race sadly

Would you perm your hair again?
I wont say never BUT I really have no intentions of perming my hair again. 

Do you feel less attractive?
I haven’t really had any issues in the dating the dept since, where my hair is concerned. I won’t lie it’s a constant struggle. Some days I wake up and look at my hair and feel gorgeous and some days I want to hide under a hat. I've been raised that a woman's hair is her beauty so now that I don’t really have any I question my attractiveness at times but I know it’s all in my head. I'm beautiful

Has your hair change caused any professional Barriers or issues?
When I started this job I was transitioning so I was still able (be it barely) "traditionally professional" look at the time of my interview. Since I’ve been fully natural there have been no comments or change in the attitudes towards me from my bosses and/or the CEO of my company. I think it’s very possible to be natural and professional. We are still caught up in this notion of black hair being nappy so as naturals we get concerned if we're sending the wrong message by being in our natural state. Natural hair is becoming more mainstream; women with natural hair are now being featured in TV and print ads and are able to display their hair for the world to see. The times are changing slowly and one day this hopefully will be an issue of the past.

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