What do you do?
I am an Education
How long
have you been natural? I have been natural for 2 years
Why did you decide to go natural?
I decided to go natural because I wanted to stop putting harsh chemicals in my hair. And my hair was breaking and thinning out.
What was the initial feedback/ attitudes towards your hair change?
I got a lot of "whys" from females. And they were saying that its going to be hard to manage.
Have these opinions changed over time?
Yes, a lot of the opinions have changed. I have been getting a lot of compliments and a lot of the young girls at my church have been asking me questions about how to go natural.
Would you perm your hair again?
I would never perm my hair again. I have other options if I want to wear my hair straight.
Do you feel less attractive?
To tell you the truth I feel a lot more attractive if anything. I have been getting more compliments from the opposite sex than when I was wearing a perm.
Has your hair change caused any professional Barriers or issues?
My hair has not caused any professional barriers at all. A lot of my co-workers have complimented me on my natural hair. They always say "I love your waves and curls, wish my hair could do that".
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