Wednesday 29 February 2012

An Interview with Kathy

What do you do?
Home school my children/Stay at home wife/mother

How long have you been natural?
3 years

Why did you decide to go natural?
Spiritually felt a need to transform myself mentally and physically and appreciate the way God made me.

What was the initial feedback/ attitudes towards your hair change?
My husband loved it and I got all positive responses from those close to me.

Have these opinions changed over time?
The only change has been within myself. Sometimes I feel over welmed with the amount of hair I have to deal with, I have 3 daughters that are also natural.

Would you perm your hair again?
Sometimes I think yes, but deep down I know I only want the convenience and ease that I had, but spiritually I know that I have been blessed with God's helo to continue to press on, because nothing good comes easy

Do you feel less attractive?
No. I personally think I am so much prettier natural then I was when I was permed. My husband also encourages me to stay natural because he likes it more than when I was permed.

Has your hair change caused any professional Barriers or issues?
Doesn't apply to me.

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